TWC Operation Genghis Khan Campaign

Found on the multiplayer server is a realistic as we can make it full war scenario!

Our AI is an ever present danger as it is not what single player is. We have written over 1,000,000 lines of C# to enhance this simulation! If you play this on a regular basis please consider donating to the server any amount is appreciated so we can keep it going, thank you and now read a short synopsis of how the server works.



Each map turn pushes the enemy back towards their side of the Map significantly. The ultimate campaign objective is to capture all the enemy’s air bases in turn, thus forcing them off the map entirely.
BOMBERS: Attack and destroy the list of important mission objectives given to you by HQ (Tab-4-6 menu). Also destroy other secondary and important targets of opportunity. Then support & defend your ground troops as they attack the focus airport, and/or attack enemy ground forces attempting to recapture it or capture your airport.

FIGHTERS: Cover and defend your bomber patrols; prevent enemy bomber formations from destroying your important targets. Then support & defend your ground troops as they attack the focus airport, and/or attack enemy ground forces attempting to recapture it or capture your airport.

RECON: We need good intel to determine objectives and set our plan. Conduct high-altitude overflights of enemy territory (10,000 ft +) so HQ Photo Intelligence can use the photos & information you gather to identify enemy strengths and weaknesses and provide precise targeting information for mission objectives and targets.

In-game, carefully read ALL of the Tab-4 menus (Tab-4-4, Tab-4-4-4, Tab-4-4-4-4, etc) to see vitally important commands and information sources. You can also use <help, <chelp, <khelp, and <rrhelp for more information on the chat commands.


General Server Information  can be found at the link here Just click the link below

Just uploaded these updates to the TWC Genghis Khan Campaign Server:

– New Diminishing Returns system for “unlimited” objective damage, repairs, and Defense Units. It’s “unlimited” yet . . . has limits that are logical.Details in a second message.

– New Defense Units system. You pick up Defense Units at a far rear airbase and fly them to a forward airbase or any objective. Spawn in, command <ps to pickup Defense Units, then <cover 1 2 (or similar) repeatedly to have <cover bombers join you with even more Defense Units, then fly safely to (say) a forward airfield, land, and then command <de.

Now that airfield will have Defense Units for one week. Defense Units add more firepower to defend the objective (AA) and also manpower to repair the objective faster if it is damaged or destroyed.

You can use this to, for example, defend a key airfield you would like to keep open, a radar installation, or – to give a very relevant example – protect your Radar Communications Headquarters.

By that way – “one week” means one week in real time. Remember, sim time and real time are synced up exactly. One day real time = one day sim time. For example, the Battle of Britain played out over 113 days – that would be exactly 113 days real time for the sim pilots flying. If the objectives list says XYZ Objective damaged for “12 days” that means, literally, 12 days from now – around February 3rd.

Command <phelp for details about this Defense Units system (which is part of the repair pickup/delivery & ferry aircraft system).

– New “reserve” and “attack” system for <cover aircraft (now working better). Details below.

– Fixed some obnoxious bugs stopping certain ships from being destroyed.

– Completely revamped the entire bomber/bombing system so all “heavy” bombers in the sim should be pretty close to parity now. (This has been in place all along but has gotten a bit out of whack as Blitz updates and new features are introduced.)

  • In short this means you can fly and use the Ju-88, Blenheim, Wellington, HE-111, Do-17, Do-215, FW-200, etc, and they are all very, very, VERY close to equal in effectiveness.
  • That means you can choose the right bomber for the job – do you need to strew many bombs over an entire airfield or weapons manufacturing area? Maybe take a Ju-88 or Wellington.
  • Need a concentrated large tonnage on one precise spot – maybe an HE-111 H6 loaded with a pair of 1000kg Hermanns – and so on.
  • Specifically Airfield bombing is updated pretty significantly. Unlike some other targets, you get more credit for spreading your bombs all over to different parts of the airfield rather than just piling them into one spot. You get more damage credit if you hit a runway (esp. paved), hit near buildings and objects around the airfield, etc.

– Fixed longstanding and annoying bugs in the <Cover bomber system. Your cover aircraft should stay with you better, stay on target better, not drop their bombs randomly, etc.

– In the real Battle of Britain (113 days in 1940), approximately the first third concentrated on destroying shipping and ports, the second third on destroying airfields and air power, and the final third was the “Blitz” with more area bombing designed to break the enemy’s spirit, destroy manufacturing capacity, and so on

So we’re seeing that play out in HQ’s assigned objectives – for now a strong emphasis on shipping, later it will ship to airports and air power, and finally (if we all survive that long) towards area bombing.

The Campaign Server is a goal oriented scenario, to win a map certain targets must be taken out by either side. The first side to destroy all Primary Targets will be rewarded with more planes available on the next “day”. To find the location of these important targets use the Tab 4 menu ingame. Bombers can also use the Live Radar Map to plan waypoints and try to avoid fighter patrols.

New pilots begin their career as a Tyro or Neuling. Only lower end planes are available to new pilots, and they must move up the ranks or become an Ace in order to be entrusted with better aircraft. This is because higher end airframes are in short supply. Any pilots who are captured in enemy territory or are killed will have to start their carrer back at the beginning, so fly smart and stay safe!


The Tab menu has been greatly expanded on our server. Pilots are able to access a wide variety of information such as Objective grid locations, aircraft in supply, and handling the Knickebein system as well as using radar to find enemy positions, altitude and headings. All pilots new to the server are encouraged to browse the Tab menu and learn its full features before taking to the skies


Intel from Flug     2 /18/ 1941

It looks like the targets for the upcoming Genghis Khan Campaign – starting first thing Saturday morning – will be:

Red: Colembert Airfield
Blue: RAF Canterbury

As with this last campaign, the objective will be to push your front line past the given airfield, and then establish it as a Landing Ground for your army.

(And as before – if there is an empty, unused airfield in the Neutral Zone you may be able to claim and use it as a Landing Ground. You are welcome to do that if you wish, and if you can – and it may make good strategic sense to do so.

However . . . for purposes of winning the campaign you need to push your front line completely clear of the given airfield, AND also have it claimed as a Landing Ground. Once you do that for the given airfield, you are the winner.)

P.S. I have figured out a better way to test the frontline movement, so I think it will be a little more . . . predictable this time around. It won’t just get stuck indefinitely, or appear to not move. It should move pretty much predictably all the way along. That is the plan, anyway.

(Previously if the frontline came onshore it caused strange problems, so I just made it slow way, way down when it neared shore. Thus the strange slowdown thing. But now that is all gone, and everything should work better.